Women/Sexual Harassment Cell

Sexual Harassment Act 2013


The women cell is established in the college  as per the direction issued by the Supreme Court and MHRD to provide and maintain a dignified, congenial working environment for women employees including teaching, non-teaching.  Women are always treated as receiving end in the society. In every sphere of life they are denied for their social, cultural, economic, legal, political and religious rights.. University being a knowledge hub has responsibility of social sensitivity and awareness on its shoulders.

 The Cell has following objectives (although the list is not exhaustive) -

  • To provide empathetic counseling environment for psychological empowerment to students and local women about their problems which they cannot share easily.
  • To analyze underlying causes through research to women discrimination and to generate awareness.
  • To develop gender sensitive curriculum according to regional and national demands.
  • The forms of various government schemes for the welfare of women and girl child will be available free of cost and members will help to fill those forms.
  • To combine knowledge and practice by facilitating discussion of the latest in analysis and approaches to women's equality from both academic and community-based participants, from a rich variety of perspectives – by creative construction of women's experiences.
  • To sensitize the women students of University and society about their individual growth like nutrition, health, hygiene and sanitation. 


The constitution of Women/ Sexual Harassment Cell is as follows:

                   Name                                        Contact No

1. Dr. Anita Tanwar                            9466790234

2. Smt. Santosh Yadav                        8901017758 

3. Smt. Mamta Bayla                          8295706636 

4. Dr. Poonam Bai                              981764358

5. Dr. Sushila Yadav                           9460954561


If any student  has any issue regarding sexual harassment in college, they feel free to contact above committee members.

Sr.NoFile NameUploaded DateView
1 Anti Sexual Hrassment 04/03/2023 View
2 Women Sexual Harassment Cell-(2018-19 to 2022-2023) 09/07/2024 View